Next steps and further information

Understanding where your business produces greenhouse gas emissions, and planning to address them, is important. This page provides additional guidance on setting ‘science-based’ targets, preparing for net zero and reporting on progress.

By 2050 the Government has committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions. This means removing almost all emissions from business. It is necessary to start planning now for the renewable energy and low carbon supply chain your company will use in the future.

  • Set ‘science-based’ net-zero targets to reduce your emissions consistent with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
  • Report regularly on your progress. Customers and investors are demanding more transparency from businesses in reporting what they are doing to reduce their impact on climate change.
  • Consider product or service innovation for sustainability. A transition to a circular economy offers the possibility of a sustainable alternative future and is a fundamental step towards achieving climate targets. This will also present opportunities in job creation and long-term sustainability.
  • Plan for zero carbon energy. To meet our 2050 target of net zero, all aspects of our energy use will need to transition to renewable sources – that includes our electricity system, our manufacturing process, heating/cooling and our transport. For your business that means planning to stop using natural gas, coal, oil and all other non-renewable fuels. That will require each business to assess their needs, switching to renewables may or may not be possible immediately – now is the time to start planning that transformation.
    The Government has a detailed plan to transition significant portions of the economy to achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions within the next decade, and to prepare for net zero carbon by 2050. You can review the measures and actions that will be used to achieve this ambition, set out in Climate Action Plan 2024.
Support links
  • Resources available from State agencies
  • Useful Information
Green for Business
Green for Business

Small and Micro Enterprises (up to 50 staff) can avail of free expert advice and mentorship and a unique report for your business to understand and plan the next steps in your sustainability journey.

Energy Efficiency Grant
Energy Efficiency Grant

Helps small & micro enterprises (up to 50 staff) implement energy-efficient solutions, upgrade equipment, and optimise processes – so to future-proof businesses, reduce costs and help businesses reach their sustainability goals.

Green Transition Fund
Green Transition Fund

Enterprise Ireland
The Green Transition Fund supports companies at every step of their decarbonisation journey – from initial planning and capability building to investment, research and innovation. It aims to support companies as they prepare for a low-carbon, more resource-efficient future.

Support Scheme for Energy Audits
Support Scheme for Energy Audits

SEAI's Support Scheme for Energy Audits provides a €2,000 voucher towards a high-quality energy audit for SMEs that spend more than €10,000 annually on energy.

Skillnet Climate Ready Academy
Skillnet Climate Ready Academy

Skillnet Climate Ready Academy offers a series of upskilling programmes for business leaders in Energy, Transport, Waste and Circular Economy, Biodiversity and developing a Business Sustainability Strategy. These practical programmes are designed to help business leaders develop the knowledge, skills and expertise to implement sustainability practices within their organisation and increase their competitiveness and protect the environment.

Support Scheme for Renewable Heat
Support Scheme for Renewable Heat

The Support Scheme for Renewable Heat provides financial support to help businesses move to renewable heating. There are two different financial supports available when your business switches to renewable heat. The financial supports include: Operational support for biomass and biogas heating systems, or an installation grant for commercial heat pump.

Non-domestic Microgen Grant
Non-domestic Microgen Grant

The Non-Domestic Microgen Scheme (NDMS) provides financial assistance to help businesses and other sectors to install solar PV panels to generate electricity on site.

Enterprise Emissions Reduction Investment Fund
Enterprise Emissions Reduction Investment Fund

Another Green Transition Fund, the EERIF provides capital investment grants to transform the sustainability performance of businesses through decarbonisation. It includes schemes to assist businesses install energy monitoring systems and begin accounting for the carbon footprint; to make investments in decarbonising their manufacturing processes; and to support Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) in low carbon products and processes.

IDA Ireland Go Green Offer
IDA Ireland Go Green Offer

IDA Ireland provides a range of external advice and feasibility assessments to foreign-owned manufacturing companies operating in Ireland. The Go Green Offer is designed to encourage IDA clients to adopt green business principles in their organisation to increase competitiveness and
achieve international environmental best practices.


Under the SEAI EXEED grant scheme, support may be available for organisations planning an ambitious energy efficiency overhaul of their existing food production, processing and storage processes.

SEAI Energy Academy
SEAI Energy Academy

Designed with Ireland's leading energy and e-learning experts, the Energy Academy gives you access to high-quality, on-demand energy training. Discover the skills you need to start your energy efficiency journey.

Sustainability is Good for Business
Sustainability is Good for Business

Find out more about the help that is available to understand, assess and invest in the sustainability of your business.

Origin Green
Origin Green

Origin Green is Ireland’s food and drink sustainability programme, operating on a national scale, uniting government, the private sector and the full value chain from farmers to food producers and right through to the foodservice and retail sectors.


The National Platform for Circular Manufacturing’s mission is to demystify, derisk, and deliver circular business model innovation by unlocking the value that resides in an Irish circular economy.

NSAI Standards
NSAI Standards

NSAI publish a number of Standards on climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation to help organisations of all sizes and types address the impacts of climate change.

The I.S. EN ISO 14090 collection provides organisations with a consistent, structured, and pragmatic approach to prevent or mitigate the harm caused by climate change, whilst taking advantage of available opportunities.

Tree Tool
Tree Tool

The EPA ‘Tree Tool’ website can enable your business to carry out a quick overview of the level of resource efficiency in your company and identify opportunities for efficiencies or improvements.

Solas Skills to Advance
Solas Skills to Advance

The Skills to Advance green skills range of micro-qualifications aims to boost awareness of the key environmental sustainability issues that affect employers and employees to equip them with the skills to make a positive contribution to sustainability in the workplace.

SBCI Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme
SBCI Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme

The SBCI Growth and Sustainability Loan Scheme (GSLS) offers discounted, long-term financing to encourage the growth and resilience of Irish businesses (including farmers and fishers) or improve their performance, in terms of climate action and environmental sustainability. Lending benefits from reduced interest rates, finance amounts from €25K to €3m over terms from 7 to 10 years and loans unsecured up to €500K.

Our journey to net zero
Our journey to net zero
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Ireland’s Sustainable Development Goals
Ireland’s Sustainable Development Goals
SEAI guide to decarbonising your business
SEAI guide to decarbonising your business
Irish Green Building Council
Irish Green Building Council
Science-based Targets Initiative
Science-based Targets Initiative
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain Standard
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain Standard
SME Climate Hub
SME Climate Hub
Climate TRACE
Climate TRACE

Climate TRACE is a global non-profit coalition created to make meaningful climate action faster and easier by independently tracking greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with unprecedented detail and speed.